Convert More Visitors By Auto Searching & Suggesting Catalog Instantly

A lot of eCommerce experts talk about how you should be investing in marketing gimmicks and proper promotion to convert more visitors. But a very few connoisseurs put stress on how internal management of the website affects the conversion of your store.

Before you move forward for working towards solicited advice, I’d recommend you to focus on developing an optimized eCommerce website before targeting external areas. E-commerce was devised to quicken the shopping experience. Apart from considering the importance of conversion and sales, ensure that your website stands true to the concept of eCommerce. If you can stick to the conceptualization of it, you can directly target the former.

Why do we need to Quicken the Shopping Procedure?

We talk about accelerating the shopping experience because that is when your store proves its worth in comparison to the traditional businesses.

How can you Make it Quick?

You can fasten the shopping experience by adding vital elements to your website and designing them in an optimized way. Each element contributes to the brisk pace of eCommerce shopping. By appending modules like Advanced Layered Navigation, Filters, Search Autocomplete, etc, you can taper-down the overall time in finding the products. And if you are able to reduce that time, you will directly lead to a faster check-out. We will discuss on how Search Autocomplete enhances the performance of the website along with fueling the rate of conversion.

How Does it Affect the Conversion?

When you perform smartly at the start of eCommerce business, its cascading effect causes the conversion. An optimized Search solution leads to faster product finding and searching. Faster product searching improves the decision-making capabilities. Better decision-making propels faster checkouts. And faster checkouts cause conversion.

How Does Search Autocomplete Lead to more Conversion?

 I have been using Search Bars ever since I have acknowledged the importance of eCommerce in my life. Despite millions of products in the store, Search bar narrows-down the search funnel in few seconds. Faster the product discoverability, better the conversion score. Hence, it is treated as one of the most efficient ways to save the time and a great influencer which impact the purchasing decisions. Let’s go through how it saves time and impacts conversion through the cascading effect:

  • Advanced Search Projects Relevant Results

An optimized search bar thrusts a faster product discoverability by reflecting relevant data. And if it fails to do so, there is no point in using such a search bar. The Advanced Search Autocomplete shows the relevant search results, much better than the Magento 2 default search. Relevant results shape the coherency in the minds of the purchasers. This, in turn, affects their purchase-making abilities, indirectly leading to conversion.

  • It Narrows the Search Results

Advanced Search Autocomplete is a smart searcher made up of astute search algorithms. It doesn’t display the irrelevant data in a brainless manner. It gauge-down the search results which makes simple for the customers to discover the products. With multitude products on the website, it is definite that shoppers would get confused and Advanced search autocomplete dismisses those doubts. Again, it improves the decisive-power, leading to conversion.

  • It Shows Descriptive Results

 When does it make sense to use the word advanced? Only when that particular thing covers up the ridges of the existing system. Advanced search solutions are the improved version of the old, cumbersome search bars. You can call it an Advanced form because it gives brief details of all the products on the search result itself. These are the list of attributes displayed by Auto Search module on the search result:

  • Description Of the Products

It enables the users to see the brief description of the keyword on the search result itself. For example, Brand-name, SKU, price, etc. A shopper can improvise or change their search keywords based on the description.

  • Images of the Products

 It enables the image preview along with the description on the search page itself. Images help in the easy recognition of the products and untangle the doubts of mind.

  • Ratings Of the Products

It empowers the users to compare the product rating on the search result page and immediately help in making the next decision. This again saves a lot of time for the customers.

  • Add To Cart Feature

The advanced version is improved that it gives the authority to the shoppers to map their needs. It allows them to add the product to the cart from the search result menu. What does that mean? A customer won’t have to go to to the product page to cart their products, reducing the complete shopping period.

  • View More Or View All Options

Advanced product searching let the users navigate to the page where they could view all the options with search query at the top.

Since all the features lighten up the frame of mind, the chances of sale and conversion rise to a mountainous height.

  • Advanced Search Reduces the Reflection Of “No Results”

There almost 1.7 hundred thousand words in the English language. A customer can input anything for the query search. “No results found” frustrates the customers and very well deteriorate the sales and conversion rate. Advanced search module interprets synonymous words, words with characters, plural form of the words, etc. It doesn’t claim to display the results on 100% occasions but it somehow minimizes the chances of “No results”.

  • Advanced Search Autocomplete Suggests Results Wisely

What could be more effective than autocomplete predictions and suggestions? Advanced search solution is given a searchable depth by autocomplete and predictive suggestions. It helps those who are well aware of the products but are too lazy to type or those who don’t have much idea and rely on complex queries to search. Repetitively, it stashes time, bedecks the user experience, and darts the conversion.

  • It Reads Misspelled And Typing Errors

Wrong spelling and typing errors consume a lot of shopping time. And typing errors usually show “No results”. Such pages are repellant and symbolize time-eating experience. Advanced product search reads the misspelled words and suggests some entries even when the keyword is not spelled correctly. This definitely saves their time and hits the visitors for conversion.

Why Do you Need Mconnect Advanced Search Autocomplete?

The default searches of Magento 1 & 2 are not up to the mark. Their inability to work smartly like the above-mentioned points compel merchants to use third-party search module. Their remarkable offerings strait the time consumption causing web engagement of the customers. This, sequentially, convinces the users to buy, magnifying the conversion rate. Let’s check why you should be using Mconnect search Autocomplete Magento 2 module to revamp the product search and build a strong conversion rate:

A quick read through a list of Search Autocomplete features by M-connect Media:

  • Gives a fantastic control over the number of products reflected in the search results.
  • Happens to predict the products just by entering the 3 characters (minimum).
  • Ability to display the counter which counts the number of products found with the keyword search.
  • Offers an option of “View all” at the bottom of the search results pop up to skim all the found products.
  • Choose the product data which will appear in search results.
  • Add the products directly to the shopping cart.
  • Avoid pages, category and parent category appearance on the search results pop up.
  • Allows comparing of the products by product ratings on the search result
  • Shows the search query at the top of the search result.
  • Additional advantage of fully customizing the layout of the popup window


As mentioned earlier, if you are looking forward to targeting conversion, first focus on the internal development of the site. Mixing elements like Advanced Search Autocomplete can help you significantly to heighten up the conversion.